Mike Klinzing

Basketball on the Edge – Effortless Success is a Myth

I have talked with kids of all ages and playing abilities about their goals and dreams when it comes to basketball. Whenever I do, these are some of the typical responses that I hear. “I want to play in the NBA.” “I want to get a Division 1 Scholarship.” “I want to be a starter on the JV team next year.” “I want to be on the “5th grade “A” team instead of the “B”. My next question to any player or in the case of younger players, their parents is, “How do you plan to reach that goal?”

The older I get, the more contact I have with people who have a great deal of success in their life. This includes coaches, players, business people, and parents. Their success may be financial. It may be professional. It may be in the form of a great family life. It may be in the amount of people they can influence and help. However you define success, the one thing that I have come to understand very, very clearly is that success is a result of hard work. Really hard work. The people who achieve great things generally work harder, smarter, and longer than others that achieve less success. The idea that you can coast through life and still get want you want is not reality. Effortless success is a myth.

Here is a great quote from Alabama Football Coach Nick Saban – Our younger generation has this illusion that they have all these choices. But the fact of the matter is, if you want to be good, you really don’t have a lot of choices, because it takes what it takes.

What is Saban saying here? If you want to be good you have to do what it takes. There are no shortcuts. Sometimes natural athletic ability, size, and maturity can allow a young athlete to have early success, but eventually hard work and grit are required to remain on top.

There is a clear difference between a kid who plays basketball and a “basketball player”. I will often sit in the stands watching a game and remark, “That kid is a basketball player.” I’m not talking about the kid who is able to dominate because they are six inches taller than everyone else or the one who is physically mature at age 12. I’m talking about the kids who understand the subtleties and nuances of the game. Those kids are easy to spot. How did they get to the point that they are so easy to pick out from the crowd? Those “basketball players” got there by putting in many hours on the court, whether by themselves working on fundamentals or playing more than their peers.

Too often in society we look at a person that has success and attribute their success to luck, or genetics, or politics, or connections, or something else. In reality, the vast majority of people who are successful got their because of hard work. Maybe they did have some luck, but the harder you work the luckier you get. Maybe they do have good genetics, but they maximized their gifts. Maybe someone politicked for them, but they worked hard to cultivate that relationship. Maybe someone helped them get their job, but they worked hard to build a network of connections.

In the world of sports, we usually only see the end result of the hard work, we don’t see the work itself. Practices aren’t televised. Workouts aren’t televised. We only watch the games where we see the end result, excellence. We all need to help our kids understand that success and hard work go hand in hand. Practice matters. Grit matters. Habits matter. Whether we are talking basketball, math, art, or music, if you don’t put in the time required and build great work habits you won’t be successful. Effortless success is a myth.

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Basketball on the Edge – Why Zone Defense is Bad for (Youth) Business by Tyler Coston of PGC Basketball

If you want to know why zone defenses are bad for the development of young basketball players this article by Tyler Coston of PGC Basketball clearly explains the reasons. Please read this article if you are a youth basketball coach, parent, recreation director, or league administrator. If you know a coach that plays zone defense or a league administrator that allows zones to be played, PLEASE forward this article to them and help them see the light that zone defenses are bad for young players on so many different levels.

Click here to read the article by Tyler Coston of PGC Basketball

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Basketball on the Edge – New Year’s Resolutions for Youth Basketball

As we head into 2016 here are some New Year’s Resolutions for youth basketball parents, players, and coaches.

Resolutions for Youth Basketball Parents

Tell your young player that you love to watch them play. – Don’t critique or criticize them right after the game. Let t your child know that you love them regardless of how a particular game turned out.

Understand the importance and value of life lessons. – Make sure that basketball is a vehicle to help young players understand the value of teamwork, overcoming adversity, dealing with pressure, and striving to reach a goal. If all that happens during the season is your child becomes a better player then you’ve missed a great opportunity.

Sit in the bleachers and watch the game with other positive parents. – Avoid those parents that want to complain about the coach, other players, or the referees. Sit with people who are interested in being supportive. Maybe you’ll even impact the complainers and help change their behavior!

Support all the players. – Don’t just cheer for your own child or scream “Shoot it!” every time your kid gets the ball. Root for everybody on the team to do well and be successful. If you want your child to be unselfish, model that type of behavior in the stands.

Don’t make the car ride home miserable. – Tell your young player “I love watching you play.” and leave it at that. If your child wants to talk about the game let them bring it up. Otherwise, your young player will begin to dread getting in the car with you after the game if all that happens is a steady stream of criticism, analysis, and advice.

Make sure your child has a life outside of basketball. – As much I love basketball and hate to admit it, your child needs time for other activities. Maintain a healthy balance between time spent on the game and time spent with family, friends, other sports, art ,music, or whatever else your child is into.

Don’t complain in front of your young player. – If all your child hears is negative comments about the coach, other players on the team, the referees, the other team’s fans or whoever they will listen and begin to emulate the behavior they see. Unless you are trying to raise a whiney excuse making complainer keep your negative comments to yourself.

Teach and model good nutrition. – Giving kids a good nutritional foundation will serve them well for the rest of their life. Don’t show up to the game with a 32 oz soda if you don’t want them doing it. (and you don’t do you?)

Help kids develop a love for the game. – Play with them, talk to them about the game, watch big games on tv together. Attend a local high school, college, or even professional game. The more exposure they get the easier it is for the love to develop. Plus it’s just a great way to spend more quality time with your child.

Remember it’s not about you. – Their basketball experience is theirs and not yours. If they play well, good for them. If they play poorly, it is not a reflection of you as a parent. Don’t push your kid too hard because you never made the varsity team when you were in school. Don’t push your kid too hard because you played D1 basketball and you think your kid should too.

Seek out programs and coaches doing things the right way. – Don’t be blinded by claims of winning records or mythical championships. Just because an organization makes those claims doesn’t mean they are teaching the game the right way. Look for coaches and programs that look to develop the entire person both on and off the court.

Don’t base success on wins and losses. – Look beyond the scoreboard and see what’s really happening with your young player’s development as a player and a s person. Just because you’ve won on the scoreboard doesn’t mean you’ve been successful. Conversely, just because you’ve lost on the scoreboard doesn’t mean you haven’t had a successful experience. Wins and losses are a part of the journey not the only destination that matters.

Resolutions for Youth Basketball Players

Work hard. – Nothing else matters if you aren’t willing to give your best effort on and off the court.  You have to have grit and be willing to push through the tough times.

Make sacrifices. – If you want to be good at anything you have to be willing to make sacrifices. You have to get up early, you have to stay after practice, you have to be in the gym, all while other people are sleeping, heading home, or hanging out. You must be willing to sacrifice some things you enjoy to become a truly great player.

Be humble. – Don’t tell people what you can do, show them what you can do. Any success you have in the game of basketball or in life will come as a result of the help you received from others along the way. Never forget who helped you get where you are.

Develop a love for the game. – The more time you spend with the game, the deeper the attraction.

Bounce back from mistakes. – If you are going to be a good basketball player mistakes are a critical part of your development. You must be willing to try new skills and take on new challenges without fear of failure. We learn best when we push ourselves outside the edge of our comfort zone. Don’t let a mistake keep you from moving forward.

Learn more about basketball. – Study the game in person, on tv, and by reading. Seek advice from coaches, parents and teammates. Don’t be a know-it-all, be a learn-it-all.

Practice good sportsmanship.Be a good sport with your teammates, your opponents, your coaches, and the officials.

Respect your opponent. – Without someone to play against there wouldn’t be a game. Be thankful you have someone to play and measure yourself against. • Treat officials respectfully, remembering that they have been selected and trained to enforce rules.

Be a great teammate. – As a true team member you are part of something greater than yourself.

Represent yourself, your family, your team, your school, your organization and your community with class. – Do this even if others do not.

Resolutions for Youth Basketball Coaches

Teach meaningful skills that are developmentally appropriate. – Make sure the skills you are teaching and the drills that you use are appropriate for the age and skill level of your players.

Be a positive role model. – If you want your players to behave in a certain way make sure you hold yourself to the same standard. If you want them to be calm under pressure you must model that behavior. Kids remember much more of what we do than what we say.

Promote sportsmanship. – Make it one of the core values of your program. Honor the game and all the people who are a part of it.

Help other coaches. – If you are a veteran coach with lots of experience, reach out to younger coaches and pay it forward, The game is good to those who take care of the game.

Develop character and leadership. – It is not enough to just teach x’s and o’s and develop basketball skills. As a coach you have a chance to impact kids for a LIFETIME. Don’t waste that opportunity to build better PEOPLE.

Maximize activity levels during practice. – Don’t waste time on drills where two kids are involved and the rest of the team just stands around watching. There are so many resources available today, there is no excuse for a poorly designed youth basketball practice.

Don’t play zone defense. – It may help you win more games, but it stunts the growth of your players and the growth of the opposing team’s players. Youth teams don’t have the skills or strength to attack even a poorly played zone defense. If you care about the game, please don’t play a zone defense.

Don’t favor your own child. – If you are coaching your own child, don’t make them the point guard when they can’t dribble. Don’t run every play so they can shoot. Don’t keep them in the entire game at the expense of other kids. “Daddy” (or “Mommy” ) ball is good for anyone.

Don’t focus on just winning and losing. – There is more to a successful season then your won/loss record. Help your players and parents understand the other ways that you measure success through building a great team culture.

Make the game fun. – If it’s not fun, why would any kid want to play? Include competitions and games in your practices. Play fun games of tag that build athleticism and are fun too!

Help kids develop a love for the game. – As a coach if you can help kids love the game you have accomplished something significant. Nothing makes me sadder than when I hear a parent tell me that their 7 year old doesn’t want to play anymore because of a previous coach.

Don’t criticize officials. – Coach your team and let the referees do their job. Some of them are good, some of them are bad. :earn to live with it. You are not coaching for an NBA championship. Do you really think being a pain in the neck gets you mare calls? I think not.

It’s not about you. – Learn to take the blame when you lose and give away the credit when you win. You should be coaching for the kids, not to prove what a great tactician you are.

If we could get everyone involved in youth basketball to keep these resolutions the game would be much better going forward. Thanks for reading “Basketball on the Edge” in 2016. I hope you have found value in the articles that I’ve written and shared. Please pass this post on to others that you feel might benefit from reading and acting on these resolutions. I wish you, your family, and your team a Happy and Successful New Year! Send me your comments, I’d love to hear from you.

Leave us a comment about this post headstartbasketball@usa.net

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Basketball on the Edge – Are You Absolutely Positive? by Sam Allen of PGC Basketball

Great article this week about the power of being positive and the difference it can make in your life and the lives of others. As a player, parent, or coach you have a choice to be positive or to be negative. Read why becoming “absolutely positive” should be a priority for you on a daily basis.

Click here to read the article by Sam Allen of PGC Basketball

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Basketball on the Edge – How do you choose the right program, coach, or camp? – Vintage Edition

Since it is Christmas today, we are going to republish a vintage blog entry that was originally posted last February. The travel basketball season is underway and AAU tryouts are right around the corner. If you are looking for guidance in selecting the right program, coach, or camp to get involved with this article will help you identify what to look for. At Head Start Basketball and our partner program Hoop Guru we care deeply about making a positive impact on the lives of young basketball players both on and off the court.

View information and tryout dates for Hoop Guru’s AAU program by clicking here.

This week we are going to address a problem that many parents face when it comes to their young player’s participation in basketball. How do you choose the right program, coach, or camp to get involved with? What are the characteristics of a coach that you should be looking for so that your child’s participation will be a positive experience for them? Is the program/coach/camp you are considering the right fit for your young player’s long term development as both an athlete and a person?

Let’s start with what kids want from participating in sports.

All of the survey results cited in this post were obtained from “Visek, Amanda J. et al., “Fun Integration Theory: Towards Sustaining Children and Adolescents Sport Participation,” Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2014.

Here is what kids say is the most fun about participating in sports.

1. Trying your best
2. When the coach treats player with respect
3. Getting playing time
4. Playing well together as a team
5. Getting along with your teammates
6. Exercising and being active

48. Winning

67. Earning medals and trophies

73. Traveling to new places to play

You’ll notice that kids want to be part of the action and they want the social connections that sports provide. Winning is WAY down the list. Do these goals align with yours as a parent? Do they align with the organization or coach you have chosen? In most cases today, the answer is probably no. As adults we get caught up in winning and losing. We REALLY want to win that 5th grade basketball tournament! We want our young player to be part of a winning travel team that goes on long road trips to play in elite tournaments so they can get “exposure”. Winning, getting a trophy, and traveling might be what we think kids like, but they lag far behind the desire to participate, play their best, have teammates they like, and most importantly have fun. Refocus yourself on what is important to your young player. How do you find out? Ask them about their goals and preferences when it comes to sports. Make sure your child’s participation is based on their needs and not your own.

I struggle with this myself as a parent. Basketball has helped me have so many great experiences and opportunities to impact others. I want to share that with my own kids. I have to consciously dial back my expectations for them so I don’t try to make my dream theirs. I have to let them experience the game as part of their own journey. It is doubly difficult because I also serve as the coach for the youth teams they play on. I have to hold them accountable as a coach and still provide the love and support they need from me as a parent. It is not the easiest line to navigate as many of you who coach your kids can probably attest.
Now let’s talk coaches. What do kids want in a coach?

All of the survey results cited in this post were obtained from “Visek, Amanda J. et al., “Fun Integration Theory: Towards Sustaining Children and Adolescents Sport Participation,” Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2014.

What kids want in a coach.

1. Respect and encouragement
2. Positive role model
3. Clear, consistent communication
4. Knowledge of sport
5. Someone who listens

Take a look at the list. 4 out of the 5 have NOTHING to do with the sport they are coaching. As an adult, I would want that exact same list from a boss at my job. Kids need that kind of emotional support to create a “safe” environment where they can learn the game and improve their sport specific skills. Coaches have the ability to create athletes that will participate in sports for a lifetime or be turned off to the point that they quit before even reaching adolescence. That is a lot of power placed in a coach’s hands.

In a nationally representative espnW/Aspen Institute Project Play survey, more than 60 percent of parents of children ages 18 and under identified the “quality or behavior” of coaches as a “big concern.” That is a huge number! I see coaches yelling at officials, using bad language, berating kids, encouraging poor sportsmanship, and the list unfortunately goes on and on. No wonder parents are concerned. More training for coaches is necessary as is the need for more oversight from those organizations that employ coaches either as paid employees or volunteers.
How can you as a parent make sure you are choosing the right basketball program/coach/camp for your young player?

Here are some simple guidelines to follow.

1. Find a program/coach/camp that emphasizes fun, skill development, and character over winning and encourage other parents to do the same. If everyone flocks to organizations that put winning first, we’ll turn off a ton of kids before they even get to middle school.

2. Ask the coach or program director about their coaching/program philosophy. It should be related to having fun, developing players’ skills, and character development though the sport. If the talk turns to how much they are going to win, walk away. (That doesn’t mean I don’t want win. I want to win badly, but winning is a by-product of running a program the right way. I don’t judge my success on wins and losses and neither should you.)

3. If possible, watch the coach or other coaches in the organization to see how they interact with kids, parents, officials, and other coaches. Sit in on a day of camp. You’ll get an excellent view into the type of role model your young player will be exposed to as a member of the team or organization. Are coaches respectful and encouraging? Do they listen and communicate well, both with players and parents.

4. Does the coach have a growth mindset for him or herself and the players? Are players encouraged to make mistakes and learn from them or is every mistake a reason for the buzzer to sound and that player to be replaced in the lineup.

5. Where are the games being played? Kids don’t care about traveling to another state to play. They don’t want to sightsee. They want to play. The younger the child the more local the games should be!

6. The coach should be teaching man to man defense. This is how kids learn the game best and develop good habits that will stick with them as they get older.

7. Look for a program or coach that will give your young player playing time. This is a key ingredient to the happiness of your child. They can’t get better sitting on the bench for an “elite” team and they won’t have fun in that scenario either.

8. A team, league, or camp that is comprised mostly of competitive games, but little practice time, will not provide the opportunities for a coach to teach and develop his or her players.

9. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to or travel the country to find the right coach/program/ or camp. They are out there, you just have to look.

10. It may not be easy to do everything on this list prior to joining a team, playing for a particular coach, or registering for a camp, but it’s worth it to do as much homework as you can prior to getting involved. If you have a bad experience, don’t go back! There are programs, coaches, and camps out there running their organizations the right way. Find people that make youth basketball fun and enjoyable for your young player so they’ll develop a love for the game!
As I have written before, if your child doesn’t love the game, they will never practice or play enough be great. Exposing them to poor role models and coaches at a young age will just drive them away from the game.

Here is the list again of what kids say is the most fun about participating in sports. Does it match the values of the program/coach/camp that you are considering???

1. Trying your best
2. When the coach treats player with respect
3. Getting playing time
4. Playing well together as a team
5. Getting along with your teammates
6. Exercising and being active

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