Basketball on the Edge – 7 Quick Lessons I’ve Learned About Overcoming Challenges


There are times in every basketball player’s journey that practice becomes more of a grind than a joy, when improvement is a struggle, or when goals that were previously set seem out of reach. Here are some lessons I’ve learned on my journey as a player and a coach that can help you overcome these moments when you may feel like it’s not worth it anymore.

1. Fear is normal and everyone feels it. You may be afraid you won’t be a starter next year, or that you’ll get cut from the team, or that all of your hard work won’t pay off. The key to overcoming fear is understanding that fear will always be there. We can’t let fear take over and prevent us from doing what needs to be done. There is usually nothing on the other side of fear besides the goal we are trying to reach. Even if you fail, you’re still better off having tried than regretting the fact you didn’t give your goal everything you had.

2. Look at obstacles as challenges or opportunities rather than as problems. When a new player moves in and takes your spot, or you are having trouble mastering a particular skill, or your coach criticizes you, look for the chance to stretch and grow yourself as a player and as a person within that situation. It’s not always easy or fun to shift your mindset in this way, but by looking for “challenges” rather than “problems” you’ll start to view not just your game differently, but also your world. Optimism breeds success.

3. It’s ok to get mad or be upset when you face a challenge…if you channel your emotions into productive action that moves you forward. It’s fine to be upset after missing a free throw at the end of the game that contributed to your team’s loss…if you decide you’re going to shoot 25 free throws after every practice for the rest of the season. If all you do is throw your shoes at the wall after the game to show everyone how mad you are, but then you don’t take productive action, your emotions aren’t helping you. The best players use their emotions to drive them in practice, training, and games. They don’t cede control of a situation to their emotions because they know that limits their ability to grow from being challenged.

4. Find a coach, a teammate, a parent and ask questions. The greatest in any walk of life ask great questions. They are life-long learners. As Kevin Eastman says, “Don’t be a know-it-all, be a learn-it-all.” When you’re struggling with a challenge, reach out to others that may have more insight or a different perspective than you. They may suggest an alternative approach to learning the skill or dealing with the issue that you haven’t considered.

5. Find as many opportunities as possible to challenge yourself. You’ll be that much more prepared when game time rolls around. The greatest players want to be challenged. They don’t want to play against poor competition. They take no delight in beating up on lesser opponents. The greatest want to test themselves against the very best. The key here is not to shy away from challenges because you might not be successful. Improvement is on the other side, so rise up to meet any challenge you face knowing you’ll be better off in the long run.

6. Seek out opportunities to grow, learn, and develop as a player that push you to your limit. Sure, you’ll struggle sometimes, but in that struggle is where true learning takes place. Being right at the edge or just outside of your comfort zone maximizes your learning. You have to practice just a little bit faster than feels normal. Shorten your workout, but go harder. Work smarter, not longer.

7. You can become the player you want to be, but it’s not easy. It’s going to take a lot of time. The road will be filled with potholes, detours, and plenty of construction. Becoming the player you want to be is under your control, but it’s a messy process. Having the discipline, drive, and motivation to do what it takes every day challenges even the best players. You can do it, but you must embrace the process and be willing to fight through the inevitable challenges you’ll face along the way!

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